Daily prayers, daily mails

An old lady reads a prayer book in Gokarna

An old lady reads a prayer book in Gokarna

This old lady was saying her evening prayers in the quaint town of Gokarna (near Kudle beach road). She looked up at me when I held my camera, but continued with her prayers once she realized that I was just being touristy. In this shot, I wanted to capture the inside of the house (which seemed older than the lady here). The postbox in the frame is a metaphor for the traditions that we are losing with time.

The Harvest (Mudigere)

Paddy farm near Mudigere

Paddy farm near Mudigere
The road from Mangalore to Bangalore presents a variety of interesting views of rural India. This shot was made in the town of Mudigere, which comes when one takes the Charmadi Ghat, instead of Shiradi Ghat. This was just after monsoon, and the harvest is certainly looking good.