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2024 – A Roller Coaster Year

I want to start this post by saying that right now, I feel blessed, happy, and comfortable. But my future feels more uncertain than ever. And 2024 was the year I came to terms with this reality.

A Quick Recap of the Year Gone By:

January – March:

I spent these months in Udupi, knowing my time there was limited. I made the most of every photography opportunity, focusing on Milky Way photography. But the clock was ticking.

As expected, I received an email from my company asking me to return to Bangalore and resume working from the office. The months leading up to this email were filled with immense mental stress. I worried about whether I would still have a job, how I would relocate my cats, and where I would find a place to live. But above these logistical concerns was the sadness of leaving Udupi—a place where I had lived life to the fullest.

April – June:

During this period, I searched for and found an apartment in Bangalore. A lot of house owners rejected me because I was single and had 2 cats. It was a wake up call to how society sees individuals who don’t confirm to the norm. Staying in Udupi and looking for a house in a different city was not easy. But I finally found an apartment with nice balconies which were important for my outdoor cats. I had arguments with my house owner in Udupi before vacating, hired movers and packers to shift out, drove my cats to Bangalore, and bid farewell to Udupi.

I traveled solo by car with Pepper on May 1st, and exactly a month later with Checkers, but with a driver. I would never again put any cat through the stress of a solo journey.

Mentally, this period was a challenging time. I had to make big decisions, coordinate with multiple people, and handle all the logistics of moving cities on my own (with some help from a few friends—I won’t miss acknowledging that). My health wasn’t great either, but I was too preoccupied to pay attention. I struggled with daytime fatigue, brain fog, and poor gut health. Still, I pushed through to meet my company’s relocation timeline.

June – August:

Adjusting to my new life took time. I had my own apartment, but Checkers (one of my cats) struggled to adapt to city life, which made me feel terrible. Initially, I was busy setting up the apartment. Then, I focused on helping Checkers adjust, but his constant stomach issues and signs of stress weighed on me.

The relentless Bangalore traffic was another hurdle. This situation will not get better, at least in my lifetime. It is a symptom of a larger malaise in the country – and Indians are only playing Ostrich to this. Maybe I see the future differently from others, but what I see scares me. There is no Indian city which offers any decent standard of living. And this is one of the many reasons why I have avoided buying an apartment for myself.

In August, I took a short break and traveled to Ladakh. By then, I felt disconnected from photography and went with minimal expectations. But during the trip, I had multiple opportunities to capture the Milky Way, which reminded me that my passion for photography was still alive, even if I no longer felt like wearing the “photographer” hat.

September – October:

My health worsened. The symptoms, which had started in Udupi, became more intense. I couldn’t think clearly and felt like I was in a constant funk. Desperate for change, I signed up for a three-month nutrition program.

I made a quick trip to Udupi to attend a family function. I revisited my old house, beach and had ice cream at Pubbas. I left my cats at a boarding, which obviously, they hated.

In late September, my father’s elder brother passed away, and I had to perform his last rites and rituals. This responsibility fell on me because he had two daughters, and tradition required a male family member to perform these rituals. The experience was an eye-opener—it forced me to confront a hard truth: Who would do this for me? I have no siblings, no partner, and no children.

The nutrition program started a little late due to these events. When it finally began, the journey of healing became even more intense.

November – December:

I gave my best effort to follow the diet prescribed in the nutrition program, but it was tough. The diet was a departure from my usual eating habits, and procuring the right groceries from multiple places was exhausting. My mother prepared most of the meals, and I had to juggle work, visiting her place, and taking care of my cats.

It may not sound overwhelming, considering my house and office are in the same area, but Bangalore’s traffic can make even short commutes feel daunting. I took only one break, traveling to the Western Ghats with friends, just like old times, in early December. This time, I decided to leave the cats at home and take the help of friends to feed them.

In the three months of following the diet, my body began to healing, albeit slowly. My mental health is definitely better than when I stated. I have lost 6 kilos and I feel fitter and more energetic. I picked up valuable insights on gut health in this journey. All this progress has came with hard-hitting realizations. I have understood, more deeply than ever, that my entire adult life until now was spent running away from facing things. I have lost precious years, and my body has borne the brunt of my neglect.

Looking Ahead:

In just three months of focusing on healing my body and mind, I swallowed more bitter pills than ever. Undoing the years I have lost will take far longer.

At 43, I am single, living in a chaotic metropolis, with no dependable relationships or material assets to safeguard my future. My life has been in a constant flux since Covid. Aside from saving some money in the bank, I’ve done nothing to secure what lies ahead. I have the responsibility of two cats, who have helped me in at my lowest, but who did not ask to be brought to Bangalore – a city where people live a substandard life for reasons best known to them. My cats are my lifelong companions now, and all my future plans will have to include them. The challenge of finding a rented house because of my marital status and my pets have urged me to buy my own apartment – something I put away for all these years because I don’t think it is a wise investment.

As of today, I feel more disconnected than ever from photography – because that one hobby consumed me entirely. It was a like a narcotic which helped me escape reality. It gave me validation because I found none in the real world. And more importantly, it made me feel alive because otherwise my life felt like it had no purpose. My parents never acknowledged what I wanted, how I felt, or what I wanted to achieve in my life. Neither did they provide me with anything monetarily so I can get a head start in life. Consequently, I had absolutely no personal roadmap and I spent all these years only trying to secure myself financially. Photography was a distraction from the shackles they had me tied in.

In the past 3 months, I have gotten rid a lot of trash from my head. But the clutter of what I accumulated while living a life of denial and escapism still exists. That needs to be get rid of too.

I miss Udupi and would do anything to go back. My life there was a glimpse of how things could have been, had I lived more consciously immediately after graduation. But the irony is that returning to Udupi would clash directly with my plan of setting right my future – I am never going to find a partner willing to join me there.

While the events leading up to these revelations have been taxing and difficult to deal with, the magnitude of the work in front of me is more daunting. I hope 2025 will be the year I begin living more consciously, tying up loose ends, and putting together a solid plan for the future.

When you don’t have a Money is a Problem, problem

I turn 43 this December, but I don’t feel my age anymore. From when I remember, I have been battling emotional wounds from childhood. The scars of this battle are now taking a toll on my health.  For a long time, not making it in life for the lack of money was a concern. That was until I realized that there are bigger curve balls which life can throw at you. 

I’ve been dealing with severe brain fog for a while now. It actually started many years ago—around seven, if I were to put a number on it. However, due to my foggy memory, I can’t remember exactly when. Lately, it has gotten progressively worse, to the point where I’m now undergoing treatment—not for brain fog directly, but for gut dysbiosis. Because, as I’ve learned, when your gut isn’t functioning properly, your brain doesn’t either. This type of treatment is expensive; it’s a holistic approach, involving sessions with a nutritionist, a psychologist, and a gastroenterologist who specializes in functional medicine. I’ve also been learning a lot about my condition from online resources. Let me try to break down my experience with brain fog, and what I can attribute it to. I might end up all over the place. But bear with me, because it feels important.

First, let me explain what it’s like to live with brain fog.

  • You can’t recall things when you need to.
  • Your working memory suffers.
  • Everything feels like a cognitive burden.
  • Focusing and completing tasks becomes a struggle.
  • Your mood and motivation fluctuate.
  • You feel constantly tired.

I’m sure there are other symptoms I’ve missed, but let me assure you that these by themselves are pretty daunting. And yes, I have made a classic mistake of attributing this to laziness among other things (such as ADHD and depression).

So, what causes this? There can be a multitude of reasons. You can watch this video for an overview of potential causes. In my case, it appears to be a complex mix of stress, gut dysbiosis, lack of exercise, and childhood trauma. To be honest, I don’t know the exact cause, but through my research and conversations with mental health and alternative medicine experts, these seem like likely contributors.

The challenge in addressing these causes is that they’re deeply interconnected. But what led me here? Let me try to break that down in this post (this is where I attempt to tie the different threads together).

It all started with an unhappy childhood. I’ve always hesitated to use the word “trauma” because, to me, trauma implies extreme, distressing events. In my case, it was more about the emotional harm caused by caregivers with poor parenting skills. Ironically, none of it was done with ill intent, which made it difficult for me to talk about. But the adult me now recognizes patterns where my own emotions were ignored, and I was constantly judged, criticised, and compared to others. My childhood memories only have themes such as overprotection and control, excessive pressure and expectations, negligence of my emotional needs, lack of affirmation, projection of unresolved issues, and overemphasis of other people’s achievements. This might sound typical of an Indian middle-class household, and my parents likely weren’t better or worse than average. Life is such that every child, grows up in a unique environment. Generalisations are good only to make you appear intellectual in online posts. So, let’s not chalk it up to, “Oh, this is India, and parents just prepare their kids for a competitive world.”

When the “project” of life starts on the wrong foot, there’s a high chance of future complications. However, I can’t say my life was a disaster. On the surface, I coasted through childhood, youth and adulthood without revealing inner scars. I graduated, got a job and did what a son should to do to “settle down.” But all this was because I internalised my emotional wounds. And it took a toll on my body. But the body has an incredible capacity to heal—provided it’s in the right environment.

In my case, I was healing, but also hurting. Poor gut health has always plagued me. Various other life events affected me, though time was the healer for most of them. I will not get into the details here. But in the process of living, my awareness of life’s complexities grew. I did both direct and indirect inner work. There was acceptance. There was spiritual growth. And I developed my own ways of escaping from a reality I wasn’t ready to face. I somehow managed a delicate balance between hurting and healing. But the root trauma remained.

For the sake of brevity, let’s skip ahead to the final part of my story—by “final,” I mean closest to my current reality. In this reality, my body and mind desperately need healing. The sprint to my breaking point was accelerated because I deprived my body the right conditions to do the balancing act.

This neglecting of the body started when I moved to Udupi in 2022. There, I discovered a new kind of happiness. For the first time, I was living life on my terms. I felt free, empowered, fulfilled, and, above all, alive. But it all came at a cost—my health. Living alone, my diet was compromised. Udupi’s extreme climate—with intense heat, humidity, and rain—caught me unprepared. On the surface, I was coping, but my health suffered quietly.

I couldn’t get a good night’s sleep due to the heat. My meals did not have variety because I prioritised convenience over nutrition. I fell ill with dengue and later a viral infection. I developed joint problems. I was constantly drinking water straight from the well to combat dehydration. After the rains, mold was everywhere in my house. My life became a cycle of constant travel between Bangalore and Udupi. The body handles external stress less efficiently as you grow old. Maybe my younger self would have handled this better. But that time had passed. My brain started to feel extremely sluggish in Udupi itself. I felt unusual fatigue in my body. But I managed to chug along, till things started falling apart last year.

The stress of my job—the very thing that enabled me to leave Bangalore for Udupi became very real when my company was acquired in November 2023. This introduced job insecurity and the looming threat of being forced out of my little bubble of happiness. The worst part was having to return to two things I detested most—a chaotic, deteriorating city ,and close proximity to the person who had inflicted deep emotional wounds on me. So while none of these were stressors directly related to my job, they were because of it (and because of how I was conditioned to look at breadwinning from childhood).

From November 2023 to September 2024, my brain had a lot to handle. I’ve omitted some details for brevity, but these major events have greatly contributed to my body’s inability to heal in the backdrop of a larger, more continual trauma. I started the healing process in September 2024, but it seems like the journey is going to be a long one. I have just begun to understand the probable causes of my brain fog and the gut-brain axis. Treating gut dysbiosis involves altering food habits and making lifestyle changes. 

Growing up, money seemed like the obstacle to a fulfilling life. We had enough to live comfortably as a middle-class Indian family, but my wide-ranging interests and zest for exploration often felt stifled by financial limitations. I tried to fix that by holding onto well paying jobs that I didn’t particularly enjoy, because I needed the financial stability. But today, looking back, I realize that money—whether you have it or not—means little without the essentials: healthy relationships, a support structure, a healthy body, and a functioning brain. All of these are so interconnected that if one piece falters, a larger breakdown becomes inevitable.

If you face similar issues, and the doctor has used the catch-all word, “Stress,” here are some videos that you can watch to understand what may be going on: 

Once you watch a few videos on these topics, the YouTube algorithm will help you further. 

How To Find a Rental House in Bangalore

In the first part of this series, I described how house hunting in Bangalore is like going to war. I identified the key villains in this battle, and identified the options that you have to look for vacant houses. 

In this blog post, I briefly describe the different avenues you can explore, when house-hunting. Eventually, one of these methods worked for me. I hope you find your luck by following one of these methods. Let’s look at the following a little more in detail: 

  • Approaching a broker
  • Approaching a rental management company
  • Browsing the plethora of Facebook groups
  • Signing up for a paid account on Magicbricks
  • Signing up for a paid account on NoBroker
  • Looking up free websites like 99Acres, Housing.com, or Makaan
  • Scanning your preferred neighbourhood for To-Let boards
  • Looking for options on your company’s internal messaging groups

I will go deeper and tell you the pros and cons of each of these options. But a disclaimer – house hunting in Bangalore works differently in different parts of the city. What may be true for areas that I have explored nay not be true for other parts of Bangalore. For example, it is very difficult to find bachelor accommodations in some of the older parts of Bangalore. However, new, upcoming localities, especially near tech parks, have a lot of Bachelor friendly accommodation.

Property Broker

The advantage of approaching a broker is that you save on time. LOL, if you thought so. Ideally, yes. You can get to know about vacant houses over a phone call and view photos on WhatsApp and finalise on something by outsourcing all the legwork to the broker. Unfortunately, those days are long gone.

Never trust a broker with any money. If you live in another city, you may be tempted to go via a broker, but just don’t do it. Why? Because brokers these days have serious competition from Facebook groups, WhatsApp groups, and websites like Magicbricks. Brokers make more money from property resale, so home rentals are not worth their effort. I have spoken to quite a few brokers and none of them had decent houses in their inventory. Some of them just stopped returning my calls because they knew they did not have anything for me.

These days, brokers post ads on rental websites and FB groups. But they still expect 1 month brokerage. This model of business is something I don’t understand, or want to part my money with. What is the value add provided by the broker if you are the one browsing online to find a house? But in desperate times, even the clumsiest of crooks manage to make a living.

Recommendation: Avoid

Rental Management Company

Property management companies generally don’t charge you brokerage. They have an inventory of houses that they manage for their clients, which you can choose from. You don’t deal with the house owners directly, and the property management company takes care of everything – sometimes for a small fee or sometimes for none. In theory, this is a great business model. And I think you should check out some of them. If you want examples of rental management companies, add a comment below.

Recommendation: Useful

Facebook Groups

There are dozens of ‘No brokerage’ Facebook Groups. Unfortunately, a majority of posts on these groups are from brokers. However, if you are looking for shared accommodation, then these groups are a great starting point. The problem I have is not so much with these groups, or the fact that brokers have made them useless, but with how Facebook works. Facebook Marketplace is actually a great medium for house owners and tenants to find each other. But the Facebook Marketplace experience is terrible. There are very limited filters, and no easy way to narrow down your search. I would recommend that you create a new Facebook account only to join all the rental groups that you come across. That way, your feed will be filled with posts from these groups and you may chance upon something you like.

Becoming a Paid Member on Nobroker/MagicBricks

I have signed up and paid for a membership on NoBroker and Magicbricks. I have had IT issues on NoBroker. They took my money and did not enable my paid account. I asked my friend to sign up on their website. They are supposed to give 7 free owner numbers. That never happened. My conclusion is that NoBroker has too many technical glitches. I think you should sign up on only if you are okay with losing out on your membership money. 

Magicbricks has its own share of technical glitches. I have been unable to sign in many times. And it has its share of frauds. People who pretend to be house owners and post ads. 

Technical glitches and frauds aside, you may just get lucky with finding a rental house on one of these sides. They are actually better than the other methods. But be prepared to spend a lot of time narrowing down on properties which you think are even worth seeing. A majority of owners don’t even bother replying to your message. 

I eventually found a rental house on another website called 99acres.com. This website is actually free. The downside is that it has fewer owners than brokers posting there. However, the quality of advertisements is actually better. I would rank the quality of advertisements from high to low as following: 99acres > Magicbricks > Nobroker. And here is a pro-tip – NEVER sign up with your primary mobile number on any of these websites. Nobroker is the biggest spammer, followed by Magicbricks. 

On the other hand, websites like Housing.com, or Makaan are not even worth the effort. So I have not much to write about them. Just avoid. 

Recommendation: Useful

Scanning your preferred neighbourhood for To-Let boards

I have gotten plenty of leads this way. I have spoken to several house owners from numbers listed on T0-Let boards. In my experience, this method works in older parts of Bangalore and for independent or smaller apartment complexes. You are not going to find To-Let boards outside high rise multi-storied apartments. This is also a time consuming method and requires you to have a two wheeler to move around. 

Recommendation: Not so Useful

Looking for options on your company’s internal messaging groups

This is an option which does not require you to do anything actively. If you are lucky, you may come across a message in your company’s internal group regarding a property that fits your need. I would not count on this method entirely. 

Recommendation: Not so Useful

Happy house-hunting! 


Welcoming a New Kitten to Your House

An Indie cat I was looking after in Udupi gave birth to 3 kittens a few months ago. I raised them at home in Udupi, and then brought them to Bangalore where I got them adopted. Here is a guide which I prepared for new kitten adopters.


Kittens have food frequently. Wet and dry is required for them as it has essential nutrients. It is good to feed them wet cat food once a day. At an early age, there is no need to regulate the quantity of food they eat but as they grow older it is good to feed them the same quantity every day as they tend to over eat. You can also try feeding them cooked, unsalted chicken, fish and other animal meat. Don’t feed them anything which has spices.

There are many cat food brands available in the market. Some brands are not good (Purepet, Meo-w) etc. Stick to good brands such as Royal Canin, IAMs, Purina etc.

Important: Keep a bowl of fresh water available always, because when they eat dry food they consume a lot of water whenever they feel like.

Recommendation for food bowl from Amazon.

Toilet/Litter Tray

It is good to get kittens used to pine wood litter which is eco friendly. Each kitten needs 1 separate toilet tray.

Recommended brand of pine wood litter from Amazon.

There are sellers whom you can contact directly to buy 10/20 kg bags of pinewood litter for a more economical price.

The toilet tray must be kept clean and odour free. This is important because otherwise they may develop health issues. They may also start dirtying other places in the house if the litter tray is not clean. Flush their poop immediately after they do their business.

Again – please keep 1 tray for each cat and in different places (not next to each other). They don’t like to share. In the wild, cats mark their territory by defecating.

Informative video on the pros and cons of bentonite and pinewood litter: https://youtu.be/w8AoWtJNfvU?si=VBzrvNjqxu6ruzC7


Take them to the vet once they have settled down in your house. At the clinic, ask for:

  1. Deworming
  2. Defleaing
  3. Vaccination

This has to be done on regular intervals. After the first time, you can give them deworming tablets and apply spot-on for fleas yourself.

Vaccinations are to be given at regular intervals too. There are 2 vaccines to be given – the doctor will tell you which ones. The doctor will give you a booklet to record the vaccinations given. Please follow the schedule.

Indian breeds have good immunity and they can eat varied diet. But ensure that if they become lethargic, stop eating for more than 2 days, have loose motion etc, you take them to the vet immediately.

It is very important to get them neutered after 6 months. You can watch this video to understand the neutering process: https://youtu.be/lM-bIRNnhpg


Kittens are very playful. They like to jump, catch, hide, scratch and attack. It is important to give them toys to play with, else they will be dull. Also, siblings are very generally close to each other and they keep each other company. To develop a bond, it is important that humans also play with them every day.

Cats don’t like new places, people or smells. So avoid taking them out of the house. When you travel, you can leave them at home and ask someone to feed them regularly. Please don’t keep them in a cage or other confined places. All these things lead to behavioural issues.

Cats are very curious. Because of this, and because when they grow up their instincts tell them to go in search of mates, they may try to escape from the house. This can be dangerous in a city as they can get lost or hurt by vehicles. Ideally, a cat environment should have trees for them to climb. But it is not possible to find such an environment in a city. So please cat-proof your house and make sure they don’t escape. They can easily open sliding windows and push doors. If they go out they may never come back or get hurt 🙁

You can consider buying a cat tree from Amazon. Amazon Basics cat trees are economical.

They also need sunshine. In the wild, cats know at what time of the day to soak in some sunshine to get the warmth and detox they require. Please create such an environment for them indoors where there is some sunshine.

Cats take time to get adjusted to a new place so patience is the key. If you are shifting houses, you can follow some recommended steps to make them comfortable. Watch Jackson Galaxy’s video.


Cats tend to sleep a lot, even after they grow up. Kittens older than 3 months have a long sleep during the day. Younger kittens sleep more. This is important for their development.

Kittens also have short naps after eating. This pattern may change as they grow up. They generally like cool, dark places to sleep (like under the cot). You can put a gunny bag or make a soft bed for them to sleep on but they may not sleep on it every day. As they grow old they won’t need a dark place to sleep.


There is no need to bathe a cat regularly. They lick and keep themselves clean. Also, there is no need to clip their claws. If you have a Persian breed, this does not apply. But Indian cats, when kept indoors, require no grooming. When you take the cat to the vet, get the ears checked for infection. Regular application of spot-on and cat food keeps their coat healthy.

Additional Resources

You can watch videos from Jackson Galaxy to learn more about cats:

Jackson Galaxy

Join the Fans of Cats group on Facebook

Fans of Cats

Vet Clinics in Bangalore for Neutering (not an exhaustive list)

Cartman Animal Hospital

CUPA Trauma Centre

Pampapathi Multi Speciality Pet Hospital

Bangalore Pet Hospital

Unlocking Hidden Features in your Taigun/Kushaq Car without VCDS

If you own a Volkswagen AG (VAG) car in India such as the Volkswagen Taigun/ Virtus/T-Roc/Tiguan/Polo or Skoda Kushaq, this post is for you. I am going to show you how you can activate hidden features in your car. These features are not available in the console of the car, so your car manual or dealer will not mention it.

Most Indians did not know about these hidden features or the software required to unlock them until the Government introduced a warning sound at 80 kmph and 120 kmph as part of the BSVI norms. Let us see how we can remove these chimes, because frankly, it is annoying. In fact, this is what has lead them to discover other hidden features in VAG cars. Some folks on Instagram and YouTube are charging a lot of money for these hacks. I show you 3 different methods which you can pick and choose yourself. We will also see the pros and cons of each of them.

What do I need to unlock hidden features in my VAG car?

The majority of cars made in the past 2 decades are fitted with an OBD2 or OBDII diagnostic port. The OBDII scanner is the way for the authorized garage to diagnose fault codes. The main purpose of the OBD based devices is to scan the vehicle for fault codes. Using the same OBDII port, and some software, you can unlock features using adaptations and long coding.

The most common method of unlocking hidden features in your Volkswagen Taigun/ Virtus/T-Roc/Tiguan/Polo or Skoda Kushaq car is by using VCDS. It is made and sold by an American company called Ross-Tech.

The Ross-Tech product has two components – a hardware component (the Hex v2 cable which goes into the OBDII port) and a software component. There are mainly 2 types of licenses for the VCDS hardware/software combo. You need to connect the cable via USB to a Windows laptop running the VCDS software.

The VCDS product is expensive. See screenshots of the pricing from the Ross-Tech website:


This pricing does not include shipping and customs duty. You can expect to pay 50-70% more if you are importing this cable from the Ross-Tech website to India.

There are places from where you can get this cable for cheaper (hint: China). They also give you a pirated version of the software along with the cable.

There are some obvious downsides to going the cheaper route.

  • You have to turn off the antivirus software on your Windows system to install the system. This is risky, and potentially impossible to do on an office laptop.
  • Upgrading the software may break the functionality and render the cable useless.
  • You have to keep the old version of the software installed on the system forever in case you want to revert changes.
  • Ross-Tech can introduce a firmware upgrade to render the fake cable useless.

The biggest advantage that the VCDS software has over the other methods is that it is the most complete software package to diagnose your car and unlock hidden features. It also allows you to disable the warning sounds that the Indian VAG cars make at 80 kmph and 120 kmphs. But I cannot imagine carrying a laptop around with me if I need to diagnose faults in my Volkswagen Taigun 1.5 GT DSG.

Another way to unlock hidden feature is by purchasing the OBDEleven device. This device connects to the OBDEleven app via bluetooth. You need to pay an annual fee to use the app on your iOS or Android device. And for every feature that you want to unlock, you use up credits, or you pay a small fee. Personally, I found this recurring cost high, so I did not feel it ist worth my time to explore this option. The OBDEleven product is available from their website directly. Their shipping cost to India is high and since they use DHL/FedEx, you can expect to pay import duty.

On the plus side, the OBDeleven is also another way to disable the warning sounds that the Indian VAG cars make at 80 kmph and 120 kmphs.

Let me tell you about another cheaper method to unlock hidden features without breaking any laws or having to import devices from abroad.

How Do I Unlock Hidden Features in my VAG Car without VCDS or OBDEleven?

There is an app known as Car Scanner ELM OBD2 available for iOS and Android. To use this app with your VAG car, you need a ELM327 based OBDII adapter. This adapter is easily available in India. Remember to buy an adapter with an original ELM327 chip though! If you need to know how to source this adapter for cheaper, leave a comment below. You can check if your adapter comes with an original ELM327 chip by connecting it to an Android phone and running the ELM327 Identifier app.

So once you have purchased the ELM327 based OBDII adapter, you can pay for the Car Scanner ELM OBD2 app and start coding your car to unlock hidden features. The best part is that this app supports many cars, and not just VAG cars.

I purchased the Vgate iCar Pro Bluetooth 4.0 (BLE) OBD2 Fault Code Reader. It connects to my Android or Apple iPhone via Bluetooth 4.0 (BLE). The Vgate iCar Pro device works with most popular OBD apps such as Torque, Car Scanner, OBD Fusion, OBD Jscan, BimmerCode, etc which can turn your iPhone or Android phone/tablet into a sophisticated car scan tool.

Once you pay for the Car Scanner ELM OBD2 app (it is cheap), you can unlock the full features which includes adaptations and long coding.

This is the complete list of adaptations which worked for my 2022 Taigun GT Plus DSG (1.5L).

Adaptation using the Vgate iCar Pro Bluetooth 4.0 and Car Scanner ELM OBD2 app Purpose
Save air recirculation state after turning off ignition By default, the air recirculation mode in my car is set to “disable.” In automatic air recirculation mode, fresh air will enter the vehicle interior. The air recirculation mode will switch on automatically if the system detects an increase in the concentration of noxious substances in the outside air. The air recirculation mode will switch off as soon as this level has returned to normal.
But I live in a hot city so I prefer inside air to be recirculated always. I find that this cools the cabin quickly. With this adaptation, the car now remembers the last setting and I don’t have to enable recirculation mode every time I start the car.
Temperature adjustment for hot countries I don’t know why this is disabled, but after enabling this adaptation, the car cools much faster than before.
Show free space in fuel tank in the dashboard After enabling this feature, you can use view the free space in the fuel tank by using the controls in the left side of the steering wheel (Refer to page 32 of the car user manual for how to use these buttons in the steering wheel).
Automatically lock car doors when key is outside of the car and all doors are closed This is a very useful feature as it makes locking of the car after exiting the vehicle totally hands free! Combined with the keyless entry feature which is available by default, I don’t have to take the car keyfob out of my pocket when entering or exiting the vehicle.
Note that for keyless entry, you have to press the button in the door handle. However, while exiting, the car locks automatically when the keyfob is outside the vehicle and all the doors are closed when this adaptation is active.
Front fog lights: activate with high beam With this adaptation enabled, the fog lamp turns on when you turn on high beam. Useful for driving on dark roads. There are a few other options such as “Front fog lights: activate with high beam and blink with high beam blink” which I did not try.
Turn lights: polite blinks count The lane change indicator is set to 3 times by default. You can change it to a max of 5 using this adaptation. This feature is useful if you are a careful driver who uses the indicator when changing lanes.
Acoustic feedback: when locking
Acoustic feedback: when unlocking
Optical feedback: when locking
These 3 features gives an acoustic and visual feedback by beeping the car horn and blinking the indicator when I lock or unlock the car. This gives me assurance of the car’s lock status.
Smooth turn on buttons light The cabin lights dim before turning off when you enable this.
Start engine button heart beat (pulsating light) The light on the engine start/stop button starts pulsating. Folks who have never sat in the driver seat of my car have a tough time finding the engine start/stop button. This should help.
Access trip computer in multimedia when ignition turned off Self explanatory

The following adaptations which I tried did not work for me when I enabled them. There are many more adaptations which I did not try.

  • Display blower (fan) speed in auto mode
  • Active info display speedometer style
  • Active info display tubes style
  • Disable “Turn on lights” warning
  • DRL: Turn off DRL when parking brake activated
  • Show offroad screen in multimedia system
  • Open and close windows holding key fob buttons
  • Startup screen for dashboard
  • Teardrop mode (additional wipers pass) on the windshield

You can see the full list of adaptations which are available in this app for the MQB platform here.

I did not find an option to disable warning sounds that the Indian VAG cars make at 80 kmph and 120 kmphs in the Car Scanner ELM OBD2 app. However, I have written to the app developer to ask if there is a way to do this via long coding.

Great News! The Car Scanner ELM OBD2 app has been updated (ver 1.101.9) and now supports disabling the warning beeps in Indian cars! 

Disable Skoda Kushaq or Taigun car speed limit warning India

Disable VAG car speed limit warning India


In summary, here are the pros and cons of the different software discussed here.

VCDS Hex 2

Pro Con
Most comprehensive for VAG diagnostics and adaption (unlocking hidden features). Limited to VAG cars.
Big online community and online documentation. Limited participation by Indians in the online forums.
Good support by the company for paid users. Product is expensive to buy. Extra fee to transfer license.
Cheaper version limited to 3 cars (3 VINs).


Pro Con
App based. No laptop or desktop required to use the features. Adapter needs to be purchased from OBDEleven. App subscription needs to be renewed annually.
Speed limit warning for Indian VAG cars can be removed Limited online support for Indian VAG cars on the OBDEleven website
Can unlock most other features Need to pay extra money over and above the app subscription to unlock features. Rolling back of features in future requires a fresh subscription.

Car Scanner ELM OBD2

I think the Car Scanner ELM OBD2 is most value for money because it can unlock most of the important features for Indian VAG cars. Personally, I don’t care for the features it cannot unlock. Plus, it works for many other brand cars as well. With the latest update, it can disable the warning beeps in Indian cars, making it the most cost effective way to not only diagnose your Skoda Kushaq or Volkswagen Taigun car, but also customise it. 

The biggest con is that it cannot disable the 80 km/hr and 120 km/hr speed warning for Indian Volkswagen cars. I hope the developer responds to my mail and instructs me on how to do it via long coding. If you are interested to keep yourself updated, check back on this blog later.

Was Moving Out of Bangalore the Right Thing to Do?

In June 2022 I left Bangalore for good. I moved to the coastal town of Udupi. This decision which was largely possible because of the remote work options which many IT companies, including mine, provided after the COVID-19 pandemic.

I had modest expectations from my move. I wanted a simple, stress-free life. I love photography (and travel!) but staying in Bangalore wasn’t helping me with my passion. With the city’s infrastructure crumbling, it is almost impossible to go out and spend quality time in nature.

In this blog post I outline the background to my decision, how I went about executing the move, and how a change of place did more harm than good in certain aspects.


This world is big. Bigger than our minds can fathom. When we are young, we are inquisitive about the vastness of this world. But at that age, we have very little access to this big world, so we revel in small joys of discovery. As we grow older, we have the means to see more, but most of us end up shrinking our worlds. We lose our curiosity, and work hard to build walls. The big world is no longer accessible to us because we have cut ourselves out.

It is also safer to follow a template when growing up. Education, studies, job, marriage, kids…..it’s all hunky dory till something bad happens. And that is when you learn some lessons in life, and hopefully become a better version of yourself. With me, I don’t know if things go wrong because I am always striving to become a better version of myself, or because I am an idiot.

As we age, being ‘responsible’ becomes the most important duty of life. In the process of taking responsibility of our lives and our loved ones, we get pushed and pulled by forces not in our control. We also start processing change, grief, loss and other difficult emotions which life throws at us, very differently.

Some of us are lucky to take charge of our lives from these external factors. But some internal factors also decide how we sail our ships as we navigate through life. We make decisions based on:

  • What brings us happiness
  • What keeps us away from negative emotions which we cannot handle
  • Greed and ambition which drive us
  • Personal insecurities that we carry from childhood

Bottom line is, adulthood is all about balancing external and internal forces which push and pull us in all directions.

However, these personal life experiences of mine have shaped me in a way where I now no longer relate to a conventional way of life. Irrespective of how we see our lives, the common thread which unites us all is the realization that our lives come with an expiry date. For some, this realization is yet to come. For others like me, it has already dawned and my urge to see and experience more has only increased. But what does all this have to do with me moving out of Bangalore?

Why did I move?

During the pandemic, a lot of us started to work from home permanently. Once the pandemic was no longer killing enough people, the concept of workation became main stream. Remote work, which many of my Western counterparts in my company always benefited from, even before COVID-19, was suddenly opened up to Indians. Combine that with a vacation, and you have a workation. But vacations don’t last long. That is why I decided to permanently move out of Bangalore.

A shift in HR policy was what I was waiting for to set the ball rolling. I would have left home right after college 20 years ago. Unfortunately, I did not have the means to do so then, and being the only child, I was always emotionally coerced into doing what my parents wanted me to do.

After facing all the ups and downs which life brings, including death of a parent, divorce, a layoff etc, I finally decided it was now or never. I also had the monetary resources to execute this decision now. To map this to what I had mentioned earlier:

  • Right from a young age, staying connected with nature has what brought me happiness. I love to watch birds, cats, dogs, trees, rains, sunshine etc. to pass my time. Weekend trips from Bangalore to get a dose of fresh air were getting increasingly difficult thanks to the poor infrastructure.
  • The daily grind of city life can evoke a lot of negative emotions and stress in any one, and I seized the first opportunity to leave that behind. The paradox of living in a city like Bangalore is that you have access to all the comforts of life. But the happiness tax that you pay to live here is rather unreasonable. There are very few ways to de-stress in Bangalore without spending money. I didn’t want to deal with this anymore.
  • My greed and ambition luckily or unluckily has nothing to with my professional life. All I expect from my job is a sense of financial security. My company’s policies were tweaked to allow work from anywhere after the pandemic which worked in my favour.
  • Amongst my insecurities, the one which I wanted to face and overcome was the one of having to fend for myself. I had no prior experience of cooking before moving out from Bangalore. I knew that the only way I could train myself in the kitchen was to stay by myself.

A lot of folks whom I spoke to were very excited for me. I was going to do which many of them could only dream of doing. The grass is always greener on the other side, as they say. A few are ready to jump over the fence to go over to the other side – and here I was, going to do just that.

Planning the Move

Udupi, is a town which most Indians would be aware of because it is associated with good South Indian food. So, even if you don’t know where it is on the map, you must have seen or heard of an Udupi (or Udipi) restaurant in your town.

The decision of moving out wasn’t the toughest part. Figuring out how to, was. I would have loved to chuck all my worldly possessions and start afresh, but in reality I had to take them with me to Udupi. And I couldn’t break the continuity of my professional life. It wasn’t like I could take a week or two off, move lock stock and barrel, and then get on with office work as usual. I had to move in phases.

Finding Accommodation

I looked up rental properties on Olx and FB, and connected with a few property brokers (again, whom I found on these two platforms). Unfortunately, the concept of rentals isn’t popular in Coastal Karnataka (as much as it is in Goa), and many house owners hesitate to rent to bachelors. Staying in Bangalore and looking for a house in a different region wasn’t easy either. I guess I just got lucky finding finding a house via an ad on Facebook Marketplace. It is 15km from heart of the city, and 5km off the highway which goes towards Kundapur. Now that I have actually lived in it for a few months, I can say that is meets most of my expectations.

My house owner is a government servant who lives close to Kundapur. He purchased this house just after it was constructed, and never actually occupied it, because he has his own place in a government quarters. I was happy to be the first one to occupy the place, because most houses don’t age very well in the Coast. When the quality of construction is poor, or if the house is not well maintained, the tropical climate takes a toll on the building very quickly. This fact was corroborated by some older houses which a local broker showed me.

Setting up the House

Once I zeroed in on the house, I had to decide how to set it up. I ended up having to buy basic furniture, and items for the kitchen. I had no experience in cooking, so my mom’s expertise in that matter helped. I purchased most of the items in Bangalore, and transported them to Udupi myself.

I made several car trips between Bangalore and Udupi, transporting what I had already owned, and some household goods and furniture which I purchased new. I bought a lot of stuff on Ikea because their website displays the exact dimensions of not only the product, but also the box in which the product comes. This helped me pick exactly what would fit inside the car. There wasn’t an Ikea store in Bangalore then, and they did not deliver outside of a few metro cities, so I had to do this.

I already owned a computer and study table, which surprisingly fit in the boot of my Maruti Vitara Brezza. So, the on my first trip, I moved my tables, and household goods which I purchased in Bangalore. On the second trip, I moved a lot of furniture which I purchased online on Ikea.

Except for some small hiccups due to external factors, things went as per plan. Every trip which I made by car, with a boot full of stuff, was an adventure. It takes around 7-8 hours on the road to reach Udupi and every minute you spend on an Indian road is an exposure to risk. After the third road trip, I started to feel like a truck driver. Apart from the car trips, I also rode my newly purchased KTM 390 Adv motorcycle to Udupi.

After every journey to Udupi, I had to set up the things which I had brought with me. Again, I did all of this by myself. April, May, June is peak summer and the heat along the coast is brutal. So driving 8 hours, reaching an empty house and then setting it up wasn’t exactly easy.

I purchased large furniture like a cot, diwan, and wardrobe locally. They were cheaper than online furniture stores, and transporting them to my house from the shop wasn’t an issue. I rented a refrigerator and washing machine for a period of 11 months – which is the duration of my rental agreement. Both appliances weren’t exactly in great condition, but they do the job.

On my penultimate drive from Udupi to Bangalore, my car broke down after hitting a dog on the highway. Luckily, I wasn’t carrying a lot of luggage because I was returning to Bangalore. The speed at which the dog ran into my car did not give me any time to react, so the roadkill was something I just couldn’t avoid.

It took me 4 hours to find a tow truck and another 3 hours to get my car towed to the nearest Maruti service centre in the outskirts of Bangalore. The delay in getting my car back from the garage scuttled my plans quite a bit. Although I did claim insurance, I had to pay towing charges amounting to ₹8000 from my pocket.

Looking back, moving goods on my own is not something I would want to do again. The next time I move houses, I’d rather hire packers and movers to do the job. Since this was the first time I was moving cities in 17 years, I did it the way I did it.

I had to set up the house not just to my liking, but also to accommodate Smokey, my cat. I put a lot of thought into how I would transport, and accommodate her in the new place. I also read up on how to prepare her for the journey and life in a new place.

A Day in My New Life

The rhythm of daily life generally revolves around one’s profession, family, and then hobbies, if there is any time left for it. A day in my new life revolves around the weather. When I moved in, it was summer and extremely hot. I tried to finish most of the household work before 10 am. Then came monsoon, where it would rain continuously for days on end. That is when I started a new hobby of watching TV, something I never did in Bangalore. Fortunately, the rains brought down the temperature to a point where I could run the fan at the lowest speed. Rainy days were frustrating because I barely got a chance to step out. I eagerly awaited dry evenings to visit the beach or explore some new locations for photography. Now that the monsoon of 2022 is almost over, I look forward to winter when I can become a regular at some of the places of natural beauty near my home.

On most days, I sit for work by the door, watching the the slow pace of life outside. It is very silent around me, and the birds are the noise-makers. I have peacocks, bulbuls, ashy prinias, parakeets, sun birds and grey horn-bills to watch out for. It has been more than 2 decades, living in a ground floor house and I enjoy stepping out barefoot and feeling the earth when I feel like it.

There is nothing glamorous about this life. A large part of the day goes in cooking meals, apart from attending meetings and doing my day job which pays the bills. I purchased an electric pressure cooker (not an electric rice cooker) which really brought out the master chef in me. Jokes apart, I learnt, rather quickly, how to cook simple food which I enjoy eating. On most days, I consume freshly cooked home food which satisfies my taste buds.

There is nothing I miss about Bangalore, either. I was never the types to go out to expensive restaurants or hang out in malls anyway. For purchasing household goods, I head out into town and finish my work effortlessly. I don’t have to worry about traffic jams, parking troubles, or avoiding old uncles who ride their scooters in the middle of the road.

A Life for a Life

Smokey was a Covid kitty, born during the lockdown of the first phase of Covid-19. She grew up in the security of my apartment basement, and under the watchful eyes of Lucy, her mother. For every day of the last two years, either my mom or me made sure that Lucy and Smokey were fed twice a day. I tried to domesticate Smokey several times by bringing her indoors in my apartment in Bangalore. But she hated it. The only attempt to get her adopted when she was around 6 months failed, because her adopter couldn’t handle her incessant crying and returned her to me. She was the same adamant cat, even after 2 years. The only place Smokey wanted to be, was the basement of my apartment. This was ironical, because Smokey was extremely skittish, and was constantly worried about Tom cats stealing her food. Her only defense was to run and hide. In fact, I have never come across a more skittish pair of cats than Smokey and Lucy. Smokey regularly skipped meals because she would be hiding somewhere. Except for this one time, where she was severely wounded after being electrocuted at the transformer behind our apartment. Read about it here.

While moving to Udupi was my attempt at changing my every day life, it was also an ambitious move to make Smokey an indoor cat. I took this calculated risk after reading up a lot about how cats can be made to stay indoors. Smokey had no safe future in the outdoors in Bangalore. I was willing to give up my passion of travel (and photography, if need be), to be with Smokey while she transitions from an outdoor free roaming cat to a domesticated, indoor one. However, that decision ended up becoming a huge mistake, one which I cannot get over. Read about it in Part II.

Popular OLX Scams and Why They Still Work

Olx is a website where you can put up new or used stuff on sale. I don’t think Olx really monitors the quality of the items you post, so you could claim anything in your ad. .

Scammers are always on the prowl on Olx. Whether you are a buyer or seller, it won’t be long before you come across someone trying to rob you of your money.

Olx Buying Scams

Here is how con-men start their conversation when you have something on sale:

The seemingly harmless message is start of a long scam where you are tricked into sending your item to an address outside your city before receiving payment.  And the money for your item? It will never reach you. But the con-men will send you screenshots of fake bank transfers to show you that they have paid you. This is an old trick, and I generally just delete these messages.

Olx Selling Scams

Then there is the other type of scam – where you are the buyer and you come across a product and the price is tempting. In fact, it is too good to  be true. For example, this camera and lens is selling at half the price of what it is supposed to be selling for:

Just to see how far this seller would go, to scam me, I chatted with him on WhatsApp. The conversation that ensued was full of inconsistencies. Of course, I knew this was a scam, but I was curious because the seller’s ad on Olx mentioned that the product is in my city.

In the first two screenshots, the seller tries to convince me that he is selling a genuine product. He says he can deliver it to my place. He even shows me the bill.

The items in the bill did not match the products he had advertised for, but let’s not kill the fun right here, shall we?

After a lot of insisting that I would like to inspect the product, the seller relented.

He very confidently asks me to come to Arunachal Pradesh to inspect/buy the camera. Maybe he thought I’d fall for the authenticity of his words. But I did not, because he had told me he can deliver the product from Arunachal Pradesh to Bangalore in one day. So I asked him.

I decided to let go at this point of time because clearly, he was being very stupid. The distance between the address he mentioned, and my house, is 3000 km. And there are no direct flights.

Why Are There So Many Scams?

There are so many scams on Olx because there are a LOT of very stupid people on the internet. When I sell stuff on Olx, I always come across such people. Some are ill-mannered, some can’t read, and some just have a lot of time on their hands.

Here are the types of buyers have come across on Olx.

The Ones Who Lack Manners

These types of people are the most popular ones on Olx.  In the recent times, thanks to low-cost smartphones and cheap Internet, a lot of Indians have gone online. And the way we Indians behave online for everyone in the world to see. I think as a nation, we are by far the most ill-mannered people.

On Olx, you will find a lot of people who don’t believe in greeting, thanking, or closing discussions. Their messages are an example of how our education system has completely failed in teaching  us about basic courtesy.

Not closing a discussion is very common on Olx.

The Ones Who Try to Act Smart

This is the second most popular category of Olx buyers. They think they are smarter than you, but their words and actions don’t really prove so.

The dumbest of this type goes to Amazon, types the name of the product you are selling, and tries to prove to you that your product is over priced. Until now, all the people who have behaved this way with me have either not looked for the correct product, or not included everything I am offering on sale when searching. And it is not like Amazon is the hallmark of safe buying. There are sellers on Amazon who ship from overseas, but don’t mention that clearly in the description.

Another way of trying to act smart includes comparing products purchased in India with Indian warranty with prices abroad. For example, if you are selling a product which was purchased in India and has local, country specific warranty, it is not fair to compare the price of the same product in the international market where the price might be lower, but there is no warranty available in India. So it is never an apples to apples comparison.

 The Desperate Ones

I feel sorry for these guys. Because they very badly want what you are selling, but don’t want to pay for it. So they first lowball, and then try to justify their price.

These guys all have some theory that if it is a second hand product, the cost automatically drops to half or lesser, even if it is a day old.

The Ones Who Cannot Read

Even after you take great pains to put up all the details about your item in the Olx description, there will be people asking you very basic questions. I wonder if these people have a language problem, or reading problem. Here are a few examples.

Does it Have to be so Taxing?

The reason why I created this blog post is to show how a useful platform where buyers and sellers can meet to mutually benefit from each other’s needs (of selling and buying) has turned into a complex and dark place where Sigmund Freud would have loved to hang out.

When a seller puts something on sale, all they expect is to find someone who matches his expected price. If he doesn’t find such a buyer, it is up to the seller to lower the offer price or decide not to sell the product.

Thanks to the kind of people I have come across, online selling is a mentally draining activity. One must be prepared to get cheated, offended, abused and trolled by people who just don’t understand basic decent behavior and courtesy. All this only ends up sucking you of your energy and time.

But this is the direction in which all social media networks are headed, right?


Testing the Syrp Genie for a Milky Way Timelapse

I got to test the Syrp Genie, Genie Mini, and my Carbon Fibre slider this week. Using the three, I was able to achieve a timelapse that had linear and panning motion.

I wanted the timelapse to show the transition from night to day. I had been researching on tools that would help me automate the exposure correction required for a timelapse that runs from dark to bright or vice versa. If you are wondering why – the settings for a timelapse when it is dark cannot be used when the light changes and becomes bright (or vice versa). Such a timelapse involving exposure changes is called the ‘Holy Grail’ timelapse. The right term for this kind of exposure change is ‘ramping’. You either ramp the ISO, Shutterspeed, Aperture or all three depending on the situation.

The best method to automate and achieve the holy grail technique is by using an app called qdslrdashboard. Unforunately, it is Android only, so I had to borrow a One Plus One phone to try it out.

So yes, I was able to make the Syrp Genie, Genie Mini and QDslrdashboard to work together. I almost did not get a chance to do the timelapse because of bad weather. Thankfully, the skies cleared up after 1 am and the stars showed up. It was not the darkest of nights and the skies were hazy after the rain.

I set up the genie, mini and the slider first. Once connected together, the Genie and Mini connect to the phone via bluetooth. The camera can connect to the phone via WiFi but I connected it via USB. I set the whole thing up for 4.5 hours. I realized later that this was a mistake. Why? Because:

  • Qdslrdashboard had a setting which determines the longest shutterspeed. It was set to 4 seconds. This prevented the app from increasing the shutter speed correctly once the night turned to day.
  • The slider and panning movement was controlled by the total duration of the timelapse. So by the end of 3.5 hours – when it had turned bright and I realised that the frames were overexposed, the slider had not reached the end of the track. So the end result does not show much of linear movement.
  • The interval between shots was set to 30 seconds. This interval was fine when the expsoure was 25 seconds at night. But as it got brighter and the exposure time decreased, the interval became a little too much. Not that it mattered – I was just getting impatient 🙂

Another challenge I faced for lens fog. I had to clean the front of the lens in between the timelapse which introduced some shake in the time lapse.

It took a bit of an effort to shoot mid-week at a remote location, staying up almost through the night. This is what it takes to learn something by doing. Here is the end result. The Milky Way is faint. But you can see it rise and disappear as the night turned into day. And a bunch of us running around with flashlights 🙂

Not many get to witness the movement of the Milky Way in the sky. Enjoy it here in the timelapse. More stuff to come when I get a chance to go out and shoot.

Dynamic Timelapses with a Syrp Genie

I like shooting timelapses. It compliments my love for landscape photography. Timelapses help me show how dynamic nature can be over a short period of time.

But shooting timelapses of nature is hard work. Adding motion – linear or panning – to a timelapses is not only more hard work, but even heavy on the pocket. I am learning the video side of things – which is what most timelapse equipment is based on – after I purchased the Syrp Genie.

Wait, who?

The Syrp Genie is a device that helps you pan your camera when mounted on a flat surface, or move your camera in a linear direction when mounted on a slider. It uses a rope and pulley system to move in a linear direction.  A slider is a track for the camera to move. The distance that the genie can travel is limited by the length of your slider or length of the rope that you have.


I just got the Genie and tried out a panning timelapse. I don’t own a slider yet. Looking up sliders online is making me sweat – they are mighty expensive! Plus, sliders are not very portable. And in India, you need to travel long distances or hike for days, to shoot nature in its purest form.

Today, I tried out the Genie to capture a panning timelapse. It is easy to shoot a panning timelapse, because all you need is to mount the Genie on a tripod. The genie connects to the camera via a cable. It controls the panning movement, and triggers the camera as per your settings. Because the Genie is in control, the camera will not fire when the Genie is moving. You will not have blurry photos. This way, you can use the Genie to take timelapses of celestial objects at night. Something that I have been dying to do ever since I got into night scapes. I have tried static time lapses of the stars at night. Now, I want to take it one step further and add a panning or linear motion. For inspiration on the possibilities, check out this tutorial from Syrp.

Here is my first timelapse that I shot with the Syrp Genie, today:

Equipment used:

  • Syrp Genie with Photo Clam Gold ball head
  • Feisol 3441T Tripod
  • Canon 6D
  • Irix 15mm f2.4 lens

And oh! Found some interesting places to shoot the Milky Way today. Looking forward to next week.